Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Audio Project Proposal

The concept for my next audio project involves creating a journey through some snow-covered woods, and into a frozen lake. At the end of the piece, I will try to create the impression that the person is waking up, and that the entire journey was a dream. In order to create the right ambiance, I think I'll need the following sound clips:

- someone walking through snow
- forest noises (birds chirping, wind blowing)
- maybe some music for the forest
- ice cracking
- water splashing
- bubbles
- under-water noises
- rain (to transition from the lake to consciousness)
- wind chimes
- birds

I think that I'm going to try to use the sound file I created for our first audio project for the "waking up" portion. I know that this concept sounds kind of abstract right now, but hopefully it will come together better once it's done. I'm sure there are other noises I'll think of as the project progresses, but for now I think this is a pretty good starting point.

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